
Since past 24 years, Shahid Gangalal National Heart Centre (SGNHC) has been providing services related to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac patients in an accessible way. Research plays a vital role for the delivery of high-quality medical services and further development of the centre. It can provide important information regarding cardiac disease trends and its risk factors; outcomes of treatment; patterns of health care, costs and its effectiveness. SGNHC Research Unit was formed on 15 th Ashad 2077 (29 th June, 2020) for the development of the research related activities in SGNHC.


Aim and objective of research unit of Shahid Gangalal National Heart Centre


  1. Encourage, promote and coordinate research.
    a. Identify, through surveys and other means, the subject of research projects.
    b. Develop a list of potential researchers for projects.
  2. Manage research projects and submit results for consideration of award, publication and recognition.
    a. Submit a proposal to different grant programs.
    b. Submit completed research project for consideration of awards.
  3. Disseminate research information. Maintain a resource library of publications and encourage members to use this resource.
  4. Arrange and coordinate research activities related to promoting academic and clinical areas of the centre.
  1. Coordinate with Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC) for training and conducting different research projects concerning cardiovascular health.
  2. Assist and/or coordinate in different national and international research projects with other institutions conducting similar projects.
  3. Promote the funding of research activities at both the local and global level. Support the research and educational purposes, by encouraging corporate and
    individual grants and awards.
  4. Submit an annual report of research activities to the executive director and NHRC.
  5. Maintain a file of records and correspondence to pass on to successor at the close of the academic year.